Informative & productive app displaying latest decisions and events in the UAE.

UAE INFO Screenshot
UAE INFO Screenshot
UAE INFO Screenshot
UAE INFO Screenshot
UAE INFO Screenshot
UAE INFO Screenshot
UAE INFO Screenshot
UAE INFO Screenshot
Version ( 188 )
Mar 27, 2023
Informative & productive mobile app displaying latest announcements for decisions and events in the UAE with the ability to track each as per interest.

UAE INFO Other Features Include:
- List of important decisions, events in UAE
- Latest UAE news
- List of hospitals, malls and restaurants
- Notifies based on preferences and set reminders
- Parking Payment via SMS support for each city
- List of all Apps that a UAE resident will need
- List of important locations, contact information and prices per city
- All Emirates prayer times
- List of schools in UAE

Pre­mi­um Sub­scrip­tion:

1. Sub­scrip­tion to UAE INFO is 12 AED per week. This price is in AED and may vary by lo­ca­tion. Fee will be charged to your Google ac­count af­ter your con­fir­ma­tion of pur­chase, or, if a free tri­al is of­fered, af­ter the end of your free tri­al.

Sub­scrip­tion Auto-Re­new­al
Sub­scrip­tion pay­ments au­to­mat­i­cal­ly re­cur each week through your Google ac­count. Sub­scrip­tions re­news au­to­mat­i­cal­ly at 11.99 / AED per week un­less you can­celled at least 24 hours pri­or to the end of the cur­rent sub­scrip­tion pe­ri­od.

2. Sub­scrip­tion to UAE INFO is 39.99 AED per Month. This price is in AED and may vary by lo­ca­tion. Fee will be charged to your Google ac­count af­ter your con­fir­ma­tion of pur­chase, or, if a free tri­al is of­fered, af­ter the end of your free tri­al.

Sub­scrip­tion Auto-Re­new­al
Sub­scrip­tion pay­ments au­to­mat­i­cal­ly re­cur each month through your Google ac­count. Sub­scrip­tions re­news au­to­mat­i­cal­ly at 39.99 AED per month un­less you can­celled at least 24 hours pri­or to the end of the cur­rent sub­scrip­tion pe­ri­od.

Terms of Ser­vices:

Pri­va­cy Pol­i­cy:

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