Let’s try the unicorn toasts and make the trendy unicorn breakfast.

Unicorn Rainbow Toasts - Trendy Unicorn Breakfast Screenshot
Unicorn Rainbow Toasts - Trendy Unicorn Breakfast Screenshot
Unicorn Rainbow Toasts - Trendy Unicorn Breakfast Screenshot
Unicorn Rainbow Toasts - Trendy Unicorn Breakfast Screenshot
Unicorn Rainbow Toasts - Trendy Unicorn Breakfast Screenshot
Unicorn Rainbow Toasts - Trendy Unicorn Breakfast Screenshot
Unicorn Rainbow Toasts - Trendy Unicorn Breakfast Screenshot
Unicorn Rainbow Toasts - Trendy Unicorn Breakfast Screenshot
Unicorn Rainbow Toasts - Trendy Unicorn Breakfast Screenshot
Unicorn Rainbow Toasts - Trendy Unicorn Breakfast Screenshot
Unicorn Rainbow Toasts - Trendy Unicorn Breakfast Screenshot
Unicorn Rainbow Toasts - Trendy Unicorn Breakfast Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Unicorn food is blowing out to the world. No need to hear but just have the chance to try this new unicorn food - Unicorn Toasts. Let’s just get started.

How to play:
- First get your bread toasted.
- Add & mix cream cheese and marshmallow fluff together.
- Choose the food coloring you like.
- Pour the beautiful colors to the bread and use the knife to mix them well. Wow, what a beautiful rainbow toast.
- Enjoy your yummy unicorn toast
- Take a photo to share with your friends and family.

The rainbow unicorn toasts tastes "colorful". Let's make more.