Play all your favourite videos with your Android device!
Other features of Video Player for Android:
- support for a wide variety of multimedia formats, including: 3gp, aac, ac3, avi, flac, mp2, mp3, mp4, mpg, mkv, mov, mts, ogg, rmvb, ts, wav, webm, wma and wmv;
- choose bewteen hardware and software decoder;
- touch the screen to increase/decrease device volume or brightness during reproduction and use the other widgets to go forward or back in the reproduction of the video, lock the screen, pause/resume or start the reproduction of another multimedia file;
- support for Full HD and 2K videos;
- full support for multiple audio tracks, subtitles and online streams (HTTP, HTTPS, RTMP and RTSP);
- ability to change the dimensions of a video such as 16:9, 4:3, adapt to the screen, original size, etc...
- high level of personalization, you can ignore one or more files in the main video list or whole multimedia folders and you can change these features using the SETTINGS activity;
- full support for Material Design;
- get useful details of a multimedia file without starting the reproduction (codec, bitrate, frame dimensions, fps, etc…).
What are you waiting for? Video Player Android is the multimedia app of your dreams. Just install and use it!
The application has been developed with a WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) philosophy. What does it mean? It simply means that Video Player comes to you as a complete multimedia manager, with all the functionalities available and usable by the final user. There are no paid features to unlock and no in-app purchases are required, as other apps do. What you see is really what you get!