Allows Merchants to order directly from approved catalogues of Suppliers

VodaTrade Ordering Screenshot
VodaTrade Ordering Screenshot
VodaTrade Ordering Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
The VodaTrade Ordering application allows the Merchants or Reps to browse and order directly from approved catalogues of Suppliers.

Home page
• Access to main menu items of app
• Specials overview per catalogue
• Ability to add specials to basket directly from homepage by pressing the Buy button

Select Catalogue
• Each image of supplier will be a separate Catalogue
• User selects Catalogue by clicking on image

Catalogue overview
• Each product is listed with an image, description, category, sub category and pack size
• User can sort and filter products using the container form on the left
• User can click on image to see an expanded product view where they can also type in quantities
• User can add product to favourites by clicking on heart in product block

View Product
• Each product is listed with an image, description, category, sub category and pack size
• User can also type in quantities
• User can add product to favourites by clicking on Add to Favourites button

View specials
• Each product is listed with an image, description, category and sub-category
• User can view all specials or can filter by supplier using the container on the left

View Basket
• Basket will show a summary of all Catalogues that the user has added products to
• User can click on Basket to edit products within basket or press Order to place the order

Place Order
• User can add an optional description of the order

• User can add an optional description of the order