Explore Wayna and discover the secrets of its legend.

Wayna Screenshot
Wayna Screenshot
Wayna Screenshot
Wayna Screenshot
Wayna Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Choose the right words to make sense of the story.
Journey through the different scenarios and overcome the challenges to keep moving forward.
Reach the highest score as you discover the legend of Wayna!

An educational video game of Language and Communication.
About developing reading comprehension.
It is aimed at children of elementary low, middle and high (from 6 to 12 years).
Available to play in: Spanish and English.

Pedagogical content
This videogame seeks to stimulate the habit of reading and develop reading comprehension, is based on a tale of Quechua oral tradition.
Concepts: verbs (past tense undefined, past tense imperfect) and reading comprehension.
If you want to know more about the pedagogical content of video games visit our website: LabTak (www.labtak.mx).

Inoma is a Mexican non-governmental organization that supports education through TAK-TAK-TAK free educational video games. All of them are aligned with the basic education curricula of the Ministry of Public Education of Mexico. These video games are also available to play in www.taktaktak.com using the same user and password as in the app.

WAYNA was funded with the support National Council for Culture and the Arts (CONACULTA) and the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA), and was developed by Caldera Estudios, Básica Asesores Educativos and Inoma.