WhatsRoot - Send Direct Message On WhatsApp Without Saving The Number

WhatsROOT - A WhatsApp DM App Screenshot
WhatsROOT - A WhatsApp DM App Screenshot
WhatsROOT - A WhatsApp DM App Screenshot
WhatsROOT - A WhatsApp DM App Screenshot
2.0 ( 2 )
Mar 27, 2023
WhatsRoot is a Free Utility application that provides you to send messages directly to WhatsApp without saving the number. So that you don't have to save phone numbers every time when you want to send messages. You just have to enter the mobile number, the message, and click on the send button and it will take you to your WhatsApp.
WhatsRoot application allows for sending messages on both WhatsApp and WhatsApp Business.

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Working process:-
1. Choose the country code.
2. Enter the phone number.
3. Enter the message if you want.
4. Then click either on WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business.
5. It will redirect you to WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business, whatever you have clicked.
6. If both applications or either one of them is not installed on your device then it will redirect you on PlayStore.
7. Enjoy the process.

Download the WhatsRoot Application

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