Access the Wicca and Paganism community with chat and share spells, rituals, etc
The goal of the app is to have fun while learning spells, rituals, herbalism, sabbats of the wheel of the year, properties of stones and gems and much more.
What can be shared in the Wiccan community?
Wiccan Images: You can upload posts with images related to the world of wicca and paganism, for example, landscapes, rituals, meditation or whatever you can think of.
Wiki entries: Wiki entries allow you to share all kinds of knowledge related to paganism, although you are free to upload other topics such as tarot, astrology, dreams, etc.
Pagan Quiz: Create, share and make quizzes related to Wicca and esotericism. This is a great way to test your knowledge. Create any quiz about rituals, medicinal plants, candles, lunar calendar, etc.
As the application becomes more user-engaged, it can be used as a guide to Wicca and neo-pagan religion.
Access to the best wicca and witchcraft chat
Thanks to the free wicca chat you can meet other witchcraft lovers from all over the world and share your experience. Send stickers of witches, spells, magic, etc. Share pictures of your altar and much more.
What categories are available?
Everyone is free to create new categories if they are really needed. The basic categories available are the following:
- Tarot
- Gemology
- Rituals
- Spells
- Nordic Mythology
- Herbology or medicinal plants
- Dreams
- Astrology
- Meditation
- Festivities
The application gets regular updates, if you want to report any improvement or doubt, you can write to