Game of the new word search

Word Search in Arabic Screenshot
Word Search in Arabic Screenshot
Word Search in Arabic Screenshot
Word Search in Arabic Screenshot
Word Search in Arabic Screenshot
Word Search in Arabic Screenshot
Word Search in Arabic Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Game of the new word search
A collective game where friends and family are challenged. More Fun, Entertainment and Chick with word search Game 4
Game word search without Net
Game online game

the way of playing

Method of collection
It gives you a random number and comes through the boxes, for example
Random Number
You will press the numbers available to give you a total of 15
For example, you click on three squares containing the number 5
Or you click two boxes that contain a number 10 box and the second box contains the box 5
After the squares are finished check out the question and move to the second level

Method of multiplication
Yo 're a neem
As an example of this number 12 we bring the result of beating on boxes 2 and 6
The difficulty of the word search game increases the rows and generate numbers at each stage