Work Execution Tool Offline

Work Execution Tool Screenshot
Work Execution Tool Screenshot
Work Execution Tool Screenshot
Work Execution Tool Screenshot
Work Execution Tool Screenshot
Work Execution Tool Screenshot
Work Execution Tool Screenshot
Work Execution Tool Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
 There is strong business demand to improve on integrity assurance and asset availability in Upstream Production. The use of Mobility Solutions is one of the ways to contribute to achieving this objective.

From the initial Mobility solution deployed at the lead OU’s (SUKEP, SCAN, NORSKE and NAM), certain elements of the MF vision on mobility for maintenance execution have been delivered:
• Improved data capturing
• Improved decision making
• Improved efficiency in accessing information
• Reduce administration effort
Our applications include:
• WRT (Work Request Tool for raising a work request)-Online and offline
• WRA (Work Request approval tool for approvals of work requests)
• WET (Work Execution tool for execution of work order) Online
• ART (Activity Reporting Tool – M3) Online
However, further enhancements are still required to complement the mobility solutions. E.g. WET Mobile native app which enable offline capability