Chat with photos on Zap! Show your friends what’s up with a quick photo

Zap - Photos that Disappear Screenshot
Zap - Photos that Disappear Screenshot
Zap - Photos that Disappear Screenshot
Zap - Photos that Disappear Screenshot
2.0.1 ( )
Mar 27, 2023
=====What's happening Zap! version 2.0 =====

Chat with photos on Zap!
No need to text, just take a shot!
Sharing photos in real-time –That's Zap!

● Take a shot
Take photos using the Zap camera and show people what you're up to.
Just a tap is all it takes. Long-tap the shutter button to record 5 seconds of video too.

● Update your group everyday
The uploaded content will automatically disappear in 24 hours.
If there’s no new content in your group for 30days, the group will disappear too.
So don’t forget to update it everyday!

● Keep it in groups
On Zap your photos are only shared with your chatroom friends.
Create a group with your friends and give it a unique name.