Zebra Comics provides premium story-driven, consistent African comics...
Zebra Comics is the defining African comics storytelling and entertainment platform. This is a premium digital comics subscription service which gives you access to a world of never-before seen content at very affordable rates.
Zebra Comics app provides you with a list of interesting features. These include:
- Exclusive comics content which you can find only on the Zebra Comics app. The catalog is made up of a well selected list of high quality comics which spares you the trouble of finding what to read in a very crowded space.
- Affordable subscription for readers to read any comic they want on the app. Customizable offers for those who want just a selected number of comics to read.
- Content provided in comics, manga and webtoon formats.
- Industry standard reading experience with a variety of reading options.
- Sharing with friends to let them experience your unique experience.
Whether the reader is a lover of manga, webtoons or comics, he or she will still love this app as the content therein makes use of these different styles.
The comics, storytelling, characters and settings are African.
This original type of storytelling, categorized under genres like science fiction, fantasy, romance, afrofuturism, investigation and comedy, amongst others, brings to the fore comics which are fresh, entertaining and exotic, thereby marveling readers across the world.
To sustain the interest of readers, new chapters and IPs are uploaded every week. With this frequency and consistency in publication, reading offline becomes an indispensable feature that is included in the app. Readers can download their favorite comics and read them whenever they want, even when they are offline.
For more info, check out:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZebraComicsPLC/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zebra.comics.plc/p/Bim4J4UF2Zw/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zebracomicsinc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/zebra-comics-inc
Website: www.zebra-comics.com