Live traffic and transit info for commuters travelling across Eglinton
Planning your trip is easy — simply enter your starting location and destination and aCrosstown will display the best driving route, with alternate route options, based on live traffic data. Additionally, select 'Transit' to see real-time locations of buses that intersect and move along the Eglinton corridor. Alerts can be set for buses arriving within five minutes to a designated stop.
- Sends auto-reminders to start up the app using location and background services - Push notifications with live updates - Plan your trip with two different methods of transportation
- See location of buses in real-time
- Set alerts for buses when they are arriving within the next 5 minutes
- Road impact information related to the Eglinton corridor during construction of the Eglinton LRT - Hands free audio traffic reporting - Monitors traffic when you input a route and as you drive - Save your most-used routes and receive daily traffic push notifications before you leave for a destination - Push notifications of major traffic incidents that affect the entire metro area - Help other commuters! Report traffic tips to the traffic center and we'll use your report to update others.