On myTutorHub, students can find the best tutors in the country and book online tuitions with them. Tutors can then teach their students using the best online teaching tools on our platform. Students can pay for their tuitions and also review their tutors. Technology has the potential to improve many aspects of our daily lives, including learning. It has been proven to increase student engagement and learning outcomes. With recent advances in the capabilities of smart mobile devices and their growing penetration rate among the student cohort, it is possible to take advantage of these devices to design appropriate exercises and tools that foster student’s knowledge and learning. In this paper, we present some of the most well-known mobile procedures that are used for secondary students in order to promote their learning and their skills. Additionally, its role in secondary students who face learning and other difficulties is investigated. Lastly, the results of a study that examined whether there is a relationship between the performance of secondary school Greek students in the language lesson, in mathematics lesson and index of verbal intelligence, index of intelligence practice, and a general index of intelligence are showed thorough