Percentage Calculator is simply the fastest way to calculate discounts, tips
Everyday calculations
* simple percentage calculator
* percentage increase/decrease
* tip calculator
* discount calculator
* convert fractions to percentages
Business calculators
* markup calculator
* profit margin calculator
* Sales tax
* a powerful trader's calculator (VAT or sales tax, net cost, gross cost, markup/profit margin, my net price, my gross price, and profit all in one calculator)
* compound interest
* loan payment
* cumulative growth
* Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
* inflation
* doubling time
Percentage Calculator's strongest feature is that any value can either be a source or result of a calculation - just enter the values you know and it will tell you the remaining ones!
Percentage Calculator is useful in many real-life situations:
* School (mathematics, statistics, algebra)
* business and finance (markup, profit margin, profit, loan payments, cumulative growth, inflation, doubling time, investment return rate, loan interest rate, company profits changes). Salespeople love the markup and profit calculator!
* shopping (discounts, comparison of two products that differ in quantity)
* tipping
* cooking (ingredients are often shown in percentages)
* health (body mass index, fat percentage in food)
The supported calculators and their possible use cases for this Percentage Calculator are:
• Value: (Sales Tax, VAT, School (mathematics, statistics, algebra), Fat Percentage in Food, Cooking Ingredients)
• Change: (Percentage Increase/Decrease, Tips, Markups, Profit Margin, Shopping Discounts, Sale Price, Net/Gross Price; Return on Investment (ROI)
• Conversion: (Convert Fractions)
• Growth: (Business and Financial, Compound Interest, Inflation, Cumulative Growth, Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR), Doubling Time (Rule of 72))