A collection of new love stories for two people
Install New Romance Novel 1402 and enjoy. This new 1402 romance novel app is suitable for everyone. The new romance novel of 1402 is not old. This version of the new 1402 romance novel program is very useful.
Undoubtedly, it is the best version of the new romance novel series 1402, and all your requests have been implemented in this version, and we have tried to respect your satisfaction with the user-friendly environment we designed.
In this version, we have two big changes, one of these changes is the addition of a section of special novels, which is a collection of the best and most popular Iranian novels. The second major and fundamental change we made is to offline the new romance novel section of 1402, which we put in this section under the title of thousand novels. The new romantic novel 1402 is waiting for your comments, dear friends.
Another big change we made is the addition of the read option for the new romance novel 1402. Also, we added a favorite section so that the novels that you liked will be included in this new romance section of 1402.
Install the new romance novel 1402 and have fun. The new romance novel 1402 is very beautiful.
✅ Adding a special section of an anthology of the best and most popular new romance novels of 1402
✅ 100% change of the program environment
✅ Add search for novels
Add the favorites section
✅ The semi-online section with the title of Thousand Novels goes offline
✅ Adding the read option for novels and chapters of novels
Sharing the new romantic novel of 1402
✅ Places to change the color of the text of the novels
You can also send your stories for the new romance novel 1402. The new romance novel 1402 needs your support. If there is a problem with the new romance novel 1402, let us know.