It is the most important narrative books of the Shias and in terms of importance and attention, it is after the Qur'an

نهج البلاغه امام علی (ع) Screenshot
نهج البلاغه امام علی (ع) Screenshot
نهج البلاغه امام علی (ع) Screenshot
نهج البلاغه امام علی (ع) Screenshot
نهج البلاغه امام علی (ع) Screenshot
نهج البلاغه امام علی (ع) Screenshot
نهج البلاغه امام علی (ع) Screenshot
نهج البلاغه امام علی (ع) Screenshot
نهج البلاغه امام علی (ع) Screenshot
نهج البلاغه امام علی (ع) Screenshot
نهج البلاغه امام علی (ع) Screenshot
نهج البلاغه امام علی (ع) Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Nahj al-Balagheh is one of the most important narrative books of Shiites, and it ranks second after the Holy Quran in terms of importance and attention. In terms of eloquence and eloquence, this book is considered one of the best works in the Arabic language and literature, and in addition to the scholars, jurists and religious scholars, many Arab poets and writers also praise this work. Among other books in the same category as Nahj al-Balaghah, we can mention Sahifah Sajjadiyeh.

Who is the compiler of Nahj al-Balagha?
As you know, all the texts in the book of Nahj al-Balagha are attributed to Imam Ali (peace be upon him). In the 4th century of Hijri, with the coming to power of Al-Buyeh in Iraq, the Shiites were freed from the pressure and harassment of the Abbasid caliph and found an opportunity to freely explain the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt to the people. In this way, the fourth century can be considered an important century for Shiites. Many important jurisprudential and religious books and teachings left by imams were compiled or collected during this period.