Upgrade your black hole to collect letters and create the perfect SMS

Chat Hole Screenshot
Chat Hole Screenshot
Chat Hole Screenshot
Chat Hole Screenshot
Chat Hole Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Want to send the perfect SMS message to impress your crush? Chat Hole is here to help! In this hypercasual mobile game, you'll control a black hole and collect letters of all sizes to fill in the blanks of your SMS message. But you'll need to upgrade your hole with size, power, and time in order to collect all the letters on each level.

Chat Hole features simple and addictive gameplay that's easy to learn but hard to master. There are no obstacles, but the letters are spread out in different locations and sizes, so you'll need to use your upgrades wisely to collect them all.


- Upgrade your black hole with size, power, and time
- Collect letters of all sizes to fill in the blanks of your SMS message
- Simple and addictive gameplay
- Colorful and engaging graphics
- Endless replayability

Download Chat Hole now and start impressing your crush with your perfect SMS messages!