Join GhostParty to find the Ghosts Among Us in the audio based multiplayer game.

Ghosts Among Us - Ghost Party Screenshot
Ghosts Among Us - Ghost Party Screenshot
Ghosts Among Us - Ghost Party Screenshot
Ghosts Among Us - Ghost Party Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
Ghosts Among Us is an online multiplayer game played with 5 to 10 players in a haunted mansion. Each player is designated a private role as “Ally” or “Ghost”.

Evil spirits have been residing in a huge Mansion for many years. The only way to set the mansion free from these spirits is by completing all the mini tasks inside the mansion, but beware of these spirits who will sabotage your task.

All the players enter the haunted mansion as 'allies' meanwhile few of them get possessed by these evil spirits and they play the role of ghosts in the game.
Every player will have a task to complete.

- The goal of the possessed ghosts is to eliminate the rest of the allies or sabotage the task and win over the mansion.

- The allies goal is to complete all the mini tasks inside the haunted mansion and lift the Omen from the mansion OR exorcise the demon from the allies body who were possessed by voting them out.

There is a voting round after every dead body reported or when an emergency call is made.
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