Do exercises engineered by alients to test humans capability.

In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
In-space Ex. Screenshot
Mar 27, 2023
An unknown force has carryed you in outer space. The eyed cubes are products of artificial beings. They follow one's will. Will is to test your capability so that humans future is depending on your successful passing all the exercises. You will visit different parts of space where no humans have ever set foot.
You can move with joystick, jump with button, look around with screen touchpad.
Progress is saved in your device memory.
Let's save the Earth!