Sniper assassin, bravo on handling the counter strike of 3d shooter pro of Rome

Sniper Assassin Shooter Pro Screenshot
Sniper Assassin Shooter Pro Screenshot
Sniper Assassin Shooter Pro Screenshot
Sniper Assassin Shooter Pro Screenshot
1.0 ( 1 )
Mar 27, 2023
It was Russian cities in beginning, then Mafia cartel shifted to Miami. Now it is back to where it originated from, the city of Rome. Interpol along with the European police forces are sick of all this, and are looking for a counter strike against these mafia cartel and their hide outs, in a shape of any sniper Assassin, shoot to kill. Interpol and the Rome police force with all their strength. Skill and the sniper assassin games ( they did for training, for these kind of encounters )is finding it very hard to go to their territories, as they are easily recognizable even with all their skills.

These Mafia groups are in different parts of Rome, striking and counter strike against their enemies, rival groups and the Rome police department. The authorities knows all their hide outs and the way they operate. So the roman Police and Interpol set an operation called operation bravo, which would basically be a group of skill ex marines and commando of the elite force, going into the mafia territory in civilian outfit and capturing the key location and then operating against these highly skill full group.
Operation bravo is kept very secret, the local authorities except even doesn’t know about operation bravo, as it might easily be leaked out. Operation bravo consists of sniper assassin, 3d shooters and pro soldiers, So be a part of operation bravo and bring some normality to this great Italian city Rome.

Sniper assassin shooter is deployed on the outer part of Rome and the three dimensional pro shooter, the 3d shooter pro is heading into the city after the sniper assassin clear the city from the out skirts. 3d shooter are then heading and making way for the sniper assassin to head to those key locations for the final counter strike. Now sniper assassin is posted at the final hideout for the last encounter.
So arm yourself with deadly sniper assassin kill to shoot weapons and live the moment.

• Exceptional 3D environment and sound effects
• Unique maps and stunning location
• Operation bravo carried out skillfully
• Great sniper rifle controls
• Sniper assassin hiding at key posts
• Free game to play
• Unique animations on Headshots, body shots by 3d shooter pro.
• Marvelous action cam on head shot by sniper assassin
• Enemies equipped with AI